Privacy policy

The policy of confidence and defense of personal information

The policy of confidence and defense of personal information (onwards “Policy”) which is mentioned below helps to understand which information gathers Vzhe-Vzhe and how we use it. The company Vzhe-Vzhe provides defense of personal information every person which visits internet-shop Vzhe-Vzhe, communicates with us or buys goods in internet-shop Vzhe-Vzhe. Information which your give uses for the purpose of working up your orders and that Your make the most successful purchase. The company Vzhe-Vzhe keeps and processes information in accordance with law of Ukraine “About information” and another normative-legal acts.

Giving information for third persons

For the purpose of meeting Your needs, we involve another persons for making different functions, for example: drawing up and delivering orders, carring out markreting and advertising actions, processing payments by credit cards and giving and giving another services. These persons can have access by your personal information, only in case and in size necessary for making functions which are connected with you order but it can’t be used for any other purpose and must keep it in confidence. We also can use personal information for notification Your of important changes in our internet-shop Vzhe-Vzhe, renewing range of goods, special offers ect., which in our opinion can be interested for you.

Acceptance of rules

If you use internet-shop Vzhe-Vzhe,Your agree with the policy of confidence and defense of personal information. In case, if you don’t agree with it, please don’t use internet Vzhe-Vzhe.The company remains right to change and complete this policy in any time without any previous notification of it. The changes come to action in 7 days after publication in appropriate chapter of siteу.

If you continue using internet Vzhe-Vzhe it means that You agree with these changes and supplements.